Rema Chaudhary

The evocative photographer whose authenticity reveals the intricate layers of her subjects and leaves a profound impact on the viewers

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Rema Chaudhary is a Mumbai-based photographer who often lets her subjects go awry - and in those moments of whimsy and unfabricated stances, she maneuvers the most artistic and eloquent compositions. Having been to photography school in Massachusetts, Rema's work spans genres such as fashion, portraiture, advertising, and fine arts. Her portfolio includes collaborations with renowned clients like Google, Dior, Nike, Adidas, and Meta, as well as shooting with well-known celebrities. In addition to her impressive works, Rema has also been part of several group exhibitions in India and London, including the prestigious India Art Fair. Her works have also been recognized by key galleries such as Method, where she held her first solo exhibition in 2019. Published in magazines such as Elle France, Dior Mag, Vogue, and Architectural Digest, to name a few, Chaudhary’s authentic approach to her work stands out. Through her lens, she captures a sense of tranquility and an unhurried essence of her subjects, revealing a multitude of layers that lie beneath their surface. Unencumbered by pretense or artifice and with equal emphasis on the often-overlooked beauty of the surroundings, Rema's photographs ultimately leave a profound impact on the viewers.

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Instagram: @remachaudhary

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