Tarini Sethi

A visionary fine artist who envisions a liberated world with her surrealistic ink-on-paper depictions

Visual Artist
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Tarini Sethi—a fine artist and curator based in Delhi—imagines a dimension where we can live freely and equally, liberated from the judgments of others and ourselves. In this utopian world, Tarini draws divine women who are occasionally multi-limbed and usually naked—sharing the canvas with mystical animals. Striking audacious poses often frowned upon in women, these characters inhabit a surrealistic world. They compel their spectators to unravel their intricate meanings by prodding themes of sexuality and human intimacy. An alumnus of Pratt Institute, Tarini studied art and is also the founder and curator of the Irregulars Art Fair; India's first anti-fair, parallelly running The Irregular Times—an art+design newspaper that has housed several renowned artists. Tarini’s works primarily focus on drawing with ink on paper and often delve into sculptures made with iron that are incited with movements of light and shadow. They draw inspiration from folklore and mingle with surrealism and humour. Spanning her burgeoning career, Tarini’s art has found its dwelling at residencies like the revered Chemould CoLab in Mumbai. She has worked on several notable projects commissioned by Meta and St+art India and has participated in more than 30 group exhibitions across India, Singapore, and the USA. In this attempt to create unceasing dialogues about taboos, Tarini envisions her art as an ongoing process that will continue to evolve in different forms.

Know more about Tarini:

Website: tarinisethi.com

Instagram: @tarinisethi

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