What does GenZ have in their shopping carts

10 pieces that give you a glimpse into the preferences of what could soon be the largest cohort of consumers

by Neharika Manjani
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The factors that shape Gen Z shopping carts have been a subject of endless fascination for quite some time now. Today, the internet is filled with evidence of attempts aimed at deciphering what zoomers – a generation whose sartorial preferences are proving to be very different from those of their predecessors – want in their wardrobes. While the studies you’ll find are likely to vary, they’ll almost always have one conclusion in common. When it comes to fashion, appearance and affordability are no longer the only attractive attributes. It’s a well-known fact that Gen Zers tend to favour brave brands that take a stand and emphasise authenticity above all else. 

Ahead, we’ve rounded up 10 pieces that will give you a glimpse into the kind of styles that this increasingly influential cohort of consumers gravitates towards. There are sweatshirts stamped with slogans, jeans which, quite literally, make a statement and T-shirts that share short yet significant stories about their wearer.

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