Jewellery brands shaping polki exclusively for the millennial and gen-z taste

From traditional roots to trendsetting essentials, brands are reshaping Polki for a younger taste

by Manica Pathak
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A quick cursory glance through the internet and glossy magazines will reveal that Polkis or any other traditional jewellery for that matter, have long basked in their grandiosity and opulence. With the younger generation changing the rules of fashion every day and rapidly experimenting, traditional jewelry eagerly seeks liberation from its designated velvet boxes. Typically set aside for lavish ceremonies, the resplendent Polkis are currently being made to shed their old-world constraints. Incorporated seamlessly into chunky molds and essential must-haves, it is certain that perhaps a Polki renaissance was long overdue. If you are someone who is looking for Polkis that can put a unique spin to your look, Blur The Border has rounded up a list of labels closer to home that are reshaping the traditional polki into trendsetting treasures.

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